Ladics House

About the ladics house

The single floor Baroque house was built at the start of the 19th century as a notary’s home. The lawyer dr. György Ladics and his wife moved into the house as newlyweds and their descendants lived there until it was converted into a museum. Thanks to this family of tradition keepers, five generations worth of furniture, objects, clothes and documents remained, which illustrate their lifestyle perfectly. After the town purchased the house and the collection within, a museum was established in the building.



György Ladics was born in 1834 in Szarvas to a fairly poor Lutheran family of combmakers. His was clearly a success story; with his talent and dedication he fought his way out of poverty and became a lawyer and then Attorney General. He started a private practice in Gyula and his legal expertise would help many, including the Wenkcheim family. The members of the Ladics family were highly regarded residents of the town.


It can be said, without exaggeration, that the bequest of the Ladics family is a unique treasure of the town of Gyula but it’s also one of a kind historical source about the life of the Hungarian rural middle class during the era of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and between the two world wars. Cottages illustrating the lifestyle of the peasantry can be found all over the country, while the other end of the social spectrum is represented by some of the beautifully furnished mansions of the nobility, but the only fully furnished building that remained of the middle class is the Ladics house. There is no other estate in Hungary where both artifacts and documentations of the middle class remained in such great quantity. The bequest includes the family’s 19th century house and all its furniture, the personal belongings of the family members plus the family’s library and collection of documentations.

All this makes it possible to learn about the culture of the Hungarian middle class in its entirety during the era of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and between the two world wars.


Made by: Forum Hungaricum Nonprofit Kft – Melinda Török



november 1. - february 28.

Monday closed
Tuesday-Sunday 10.00-16.00

march 1. - june 30.

Monday closed
Tuesday-Sunday 10.00-18.00

july 1. - augusztus 31.

Monday-Sunday 10.00-18.00

september 1. - october 31.

Monday closed
Tuesday-Sunday 10.00-18.00


Ticket: 2 600 HUF/person
Group ticket from 15 persons: 2 500 HUF/person
Discount ticket: 1 600 HUF/person
Discounted ticket for groups of 15 or more: 1 500 HUF/person

Additional discounts:

50% for residents with permanent address in Gyula. Free for children under 6 years of age. The discounted tickets are available to full-time students and pensioners aged 6-26 years old upon presentation of an ID card.

tabernákulumos íróasztal_5-min


The main concept for renewing the exhibition was that the interiors won’t change. The beauty of this being that -with the help of digital technology- the history of the Ladics family, the specifics of the era and stories relating to the family can be told in their original surroundings.

A tempered, glazed lobby leads into the hallway of the Ladics house. The topic of this area is the family’s history, supplemented with an interactive installation based on a large holographic projector. The hologram shows a Ladics boy, who tells the family’s story with the help of artificial intelligence.

In the second room, the old piano of the Ladics family starts playing when a visitor walks past it. The faint piano music starts up with the help of a motion sensor. The developed sound system of the building enhances the visitor’s experience.  The ropes in the exhibition rooms are replaced by infra gates, which contain interactive elements. This is a more cultured and modern way of enclosing spaces not meant for visitors.

In the middle of the „glass room” (reading and smoking room, café, dining room in the summers) there is a table set for 10 people and on both sides of it stands a plate shelf, holding valuable china. On the window the handiwork of László Ladics jr. can be seen, who–as mischievous child–scratched his name into the glass in 1916. Many anecdotes and stories like that can be found about the family and those can be the basis of the guaranteed programs, which are being developed with the aforementioned aspects.  Authenticity is essential when it comes to exhibitions, which is why research about said stories and the endorsement of historians precede the official announcements of the programs.

Exciting new elements are being developed for the rooms that weren’t open to the public before. In the new exhibition space, an interactive installation of a 19th century bathroom illustrates the bathing habits of the middle class before the installation of water pipes. The people of today can found many curiosities in this room. Visitors can get to know the bathroom of the Ladics family, the contemporary way of water heating by using gravity feed tanks –which were refilled in the attic– and the period’s options when it came to hygiene.


„Take the Ladics exhibition home!” – not the original, of course!

Also new exhibitions spaces are the kitchen and the pantry, equipped with authentic replicas that visitors can try using. Innovative photo spots are being developed for both rooms. Pre-registered visitors have the opportunity to get a 3D scanned picture taken of them dressed in period clothes. If requested, the pictures can be printed with a 3D printer.

Outside, at the front of the yard, there is a beautifully proportioned gloriette with white outdoor furniture.  The shed, the stable, the rear kitchen plus pantry and the servants’ room were in the side wing at the back of the yard; these spaces were previously not accessible to visitors.

Virtual carriage ride through contemporary Gyula

By sitting on the carriage replica in the shed, visitors can take a look around the downtown of Gyula in the 19th century with the help of VR glasses. The carriage sets off after the visitor puts on the VR glasses, driving out onto Jókai Street. The animation is about 1,5-2 minutes long; the content is 3D rendered graphics, not film recordings.

Through the shed we can step into the yard of the neighboring Hundred Years Old Confectionery, since visitors of the Ladics house may use the bathrooms of the confectionery. Access control system is being installed between the two buildings. There is a glass interface between the shed and the confectionery. The idea is to invite the guests of the confectionery into the exhibition in an interactive way. Helping with that is a Ladics boy’s hologram, who is entertainingly enthusiastic, teases a bit and tries to entice the guests of the confectionery into the exhibition.

Temporary exhibition room

A space for interactive temporary exhibitions in being developed in the side wing at the back of the yard, where the previously unseen parts of the rich bequest of the Ladics family can be processed and showcased. This way, the permanent exhibition is constantly renewing. It is also in this building where the museum education workshops take place and where dressing rooms with folding screens –for the period clothes– can be found.


Kedvezményezett neve: Gyula Város Önkormányzata
Projekt címe: Gyula város komplex turisztikai fejlesztése
Szerződött támogatás összege: 1 099 998 539 Ft
Támogatás mértéke (%-ban): 100%
Projekt tervezett befejezési dátuma: 2023. december 30.
Projekt azonosítószáma: TOP-1.2.1-16-BS1-2020-00012
Pályázat benyújtásának ideje: 2020. december 14.
Támogatási szerződés hatálybalépése: 2021. június 1.

A projekt célja Gyula Város Önkormányzata turisztikai kínálatának fejlesztése a térség természeti adottságaira épülő kulturális és aktív turisztikai kínálatok érdekében.
A projekt keretében egyrészt a kerékpárút hálózat egyik hiányzó eleme, a Nagyváradi úti kerékpárút kiépítése történt meg. A kulturális turizmuson belül pedig a Ladics-ház, valamint a Százéves Cukrászda fejlesztése valósult meg.
Cél az érintett két védett ingatlan felújítása, illetve olyan turisztikai élményelemek létrehozása volt, ami minden Gyulára látogató vendég számára megkerülhetetlen turisztikai célpontot jelent.